NG, 25th post (!), and busyness

So I have finally finished an submitted my pieces for the Neil Gaiman Calendar of Tales Project.

Not sure when we find out the results but it was a good experience regardless, It was interesting to create new assignment based work.








august tale

I have included links to each story, they are fun and very short so read them and the illustrations will make much more sense.

I have been so busy these past few weeks and that is why my blogging has become so sporadic, but I am getting back on track!

Also any illustrators out there have any luck with agency access or ad base? Is it worth the price?

Have a good Tuesday.

Creatures 2 (just about) finished


So the first piece of Creatures is finally complete. Although this is part of the series, I wanted to create something for Jenny Nieh's birthday and I knew that she was really liking these new animals, and I also knew she loved deer, so this seemed perfect. I gave her the piece on Saturday.

Upon seeing my buffalo piece a few weeks ago (and a boar before that which I will probably be posting about on Thursday) Jenny had a great idea about displaying these pieces, to put them in between 2 pieces of glass (or plastic) so it would be completely clear, and there would be no paper or backing distracting from the actual animals. I had bought 2 clip frames, to use the glass panels but it didn't work out and I am still looking to solve this problem if anyone out there has any suggestions?