NG, 25th post (!), and busyness

So I have finally finished an submitted my pieces for the Neil Gaiman Calendar of Tales Project.

Not sure when we find out the results but it was a good experience regardless, It was interesting to create new assignment based work.








august tale

I have included links to each story, they are fun and very short so read them and the illustrations will make much more sense.

I have been so busy these past few weeks and that is why my blogging has become so sporadic, but I am getting back on track!

Also any illustrators out there have any luck with agency access or ad base? Is it worth the price?

Have a good Tuesday.

Nest Studio

So a few months ago I created a logo for Nest Studio, they make beautiful pillows (I have 3 on my couch) out of fabrics from all over the world.

Picture 2

Everything is completely handmade, including the tags which are block printed.

"Nest Studio, based in West Hartford, CT, is a textile studio, where one- of-a-kind decorative pillows are created by two friends, Erica Moses and Maureen Skau. The pillows are made from fabric from all over the world, including Brazil, Bali, India and Japan. Each pillow is different. No two are ever alike and all of them have surprising back." -Taken from their Etsy bio

I would highly recommend checking out their Etsy, as well as liking their new Facebook page.


Little Red


The past few months have flown by, new job: new life.

Awhile back I made a book for my brothers English friend Jack. His niece Ella loves Little Red Riding Hood, when he and my brother were finally going to meet up, I knew I wanted to give the book.

I created a completely handmade copy for her, with my inkjet, glue, paper, ect.