Uppercase Magazine

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I am so excited to say that I have been selected to be a part of Uppercase Magazine's Live/Work illustration issue!

" The tagline for UPPERCASE magazine is "for the creative and curious" and this really is the somewhat loose guideline to content appearing in the magazine. Though the content is based in graphic design, illustration and crafting as its starting points, with such a broad statement the articles can be quite eclectic. I think it is this curious bent that makes the magazine unique and hopefully surprising with each new issue." Janine Vangool  publisher /editor /designer

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Each illustrator that is featured creates a piece for the magazine, as well as an interview. I will know the topic of my piece by the             end of this month!

Be sure to check out their website and buy all of their beautiful high quality books




The past week or so I have been working on a really interesting project for a short film called Plugged.

"PLUGGED is a short film written by Dea Jenkins (BFA, Digital Filmmaking, The Art Institute of Houston), based on the true events of a life-altering incident in New York City. The focus of the story, set in a ballet studio, concerns the adults in a young girl’s life who were either unable or unwilling to assist the girl following this traumatic moment."

I created 6 illustrations that will be displayed (and for sale) at a fundraiser for the film this Saturday at:

Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, 55 Bethune St, NYC

From 6:30-8pm

Although I didn't have as much time as I would've liked, I am happy with the simplicity of the pieces, and the gritty aspect that was an important characteristic and something I haven't really explored.



I hope you can all attend the event, be sure to check out the facebook page!

A Buffalo Creature

So tonight I wanted to share more of an update about the buffalo I posted a few weeks ago, it is coming along slowly,

but the next time I post about it, it will be finished and hanging on my wall.

I am enjoying this series as an escape from the strong narrative that surrounded my work so much when I was in school, while I don't think I will ever fully get away from narrative it does feel fresh to me.



Creatures 2 (just about) finished


So the first piece of Creatures is finally complete. Although this is part of the series, I wanted to create something for Jenny Nieh's birthday and I knew that she was really liking these new animals, and I also knew she loved deer, so this seemed perfect. I gave her the piece on Saturday.

Upon seeing my buffalo piece a few weeks ago (and a boar before that which I will probably be posting about on Thursday) Jenny had a great idea about displaying these pieces, to put them in between 2 pieces of glass (or plastic) so it would be completely clear, and there would be no paper or backing distracting from the actual animals. I had bought 2 clip frames, to use the glass panels but it didn't work out and I am still looking to solve this problem if anyone out there has any suggestions?